i was there early, about 4 hours early, but that's because it's our month to cook. we had polynesian volcanoes which are always a hit.
chow mein noodles
sliced celery
sliced almonds
crushed pineapple
shredded coconut
chopped chicken (or turkey works)
shredded cheddar cheese
chicken gravy
danny did a great job of getting us to interact with those we don't know as well. one such was was with tournament of a popular game. i would like to point out that i was the ultimate winner and champion of that tournament. i'd like to thank my wife, my kids, my small group and all the little people.
i really did get to know someone new. this fellow's been coming to church for a while now, but circumstances haven't allowed for us to get to know each other until last night. to be honest, we don't have much in common in terms of hobbies and interests, but his passioned plea to my wife about one particular piece of equipment i'd like to own really, really helped my cause (rhonda just doesn't want me to have a motorcycle, but i think we're winning her over).
- the food was good
- the fellowship was good
- the games were fun
- the info-mercials were...um...well...interesting(?)!
it was a great evening that sums up what community nights are supposed to be. i can't wait for the next one.