and now that i get to experience the show from the inside out, i know i am blessed. but, i've come to realize how my perspective has changed since i first saw the show.
at that time
- i was still in college, not sure what i was going to do with my life
- i was single and not dating (though, hoping to date the girl that went with me to see the show. alas, amiee, your loss)
- i had no children
our 'situations in time' color our perspectives. that's not a bad thing, though we'd often like to think we can think outside of our situations. my situation in this time is what's different and i relate to the characters (mine and others') different. it's not that the show is any less impactful to me, but it is...well...different.
i can say now with all assurance that i would, if faced with some sort of situation that called for it, make the same choice as kim for the sake of her son. i pray i never am faced with any such choice, but i am sure that i would do the same thing.
and, my perspective on the love women have for the children they bear is much different now thanks to meeting 2 wonderful young women--lisa and emma. they were in awkward situations and they chose to put the lives and well-being of the baby boys inside them of higher priority than their own. they are amazing women that paid an immense price because of love; love of their children was wider and higher and deeper than any social obligation or deep-rooted need within them. (and i am blessed because of their choices.)
i am more and more profoundly affected by the immensity and humility of love. i am overwhelmed by the love Christ has for us to let himself die in our place--to take our penalty. i am blessed by the way my wife loves me. i am built up and strengthened by the simplistic love my children give to me. i am baffled by the way my teenager has developed a great sense of love and compassion despite the early beginnings of her life having an example of love that is ugly and not true (love that is conditional is not love at all). all this love in one man's life? who ever could deserve such a thing?
well, no one deserves it, but we are better because of it.
dear Lord, may i love the way i have been loved.