Wednesday, September 26, 2007

butting heads

i'm pretty sure that one of my most uncomfortable feelings is when i butt heads with someone. for the most part, i can take differing opinions in stride. i try to be sensitive to others and their opinions and ideas, all the while sharing my side. but, on occasion we meet head-on. this is not to say that we are arguing or debating, but simply just not seeing eye-to-eye.
this conflict has popped up in several different relationships in my life:
  • between me and my wife
  • between me and my parents
  • between me and co-workers
  • between me and students

you get the idea.

i think the biggest part of the discomfort comes from the regard with which i hold these people. "i shouldn't have this problem with them. we're supposed to be on the same side." we always get through it, but compared to the national fear of public speaking, i'd rather speak in public than butt heads with those around me.

so, everyone knows that my blog always comes from real-life experiences. you'd probably like for me to enlighten you about whom i am speaking.

well, i'm not going to do it, but i do covet your prayers. i know we'll get through this, but sooner is better than later.


Anonymous said...

Yes you are a butt head

jared said...

kiss my head