Wednesday, August 29, 2007


the human body's need for sleep is a curious thing.
we understand that small children require more sleep and that teenagers sleep too much. doctors recommend 8 hours per night for the average adult, though i know very few we would qualify as "average" on that scale (5-6 is normal among my friends).
but, when it hits you, it hits you hard.
such is the story of my life last night.
i had a normal with a normal schedule and normal productivity. i had plans for the evening, which is normal, and figured i'd be in bed at the normal time. but as we finished dinner, i suddenly felt sleepy.
rhonda suggested that i lay down for a few minutes and then we could go on with our schedule. it's not like me to nap at that time of the evening as it tends to make me not sleep during the night. but, i agreed that i could lay down for 15-30 minutes.
10 hours later, the alarm clock woke me up.
i'm not sure why i needed it or where it came from, but apparently God pulled another genesis 2:21, sans rib removal, in my life. again i say, the human body's need for sleep is a curious thing.

Glorious Creator, thank You for the rest you give. may we always accept the command for sabbath and never be forced to rest (i.e. please don't knock us flat so that we get the rest we need). throughout Your Word, You speak to us in dreams and visions. open our eyes while we sleep to see all that You reveal to us and give us divine discernment against other voices that try to pass as Yours.
now, i lay me down to sleep. i pray the Lord my soul will keep. if i die before i wake, to live is Christ and to die is gain.

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